Hoky Precision Component (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd

2018 overseas exhibitors

At the end of September 18, the company organized to go to India to participate in the exhibition. Before the opening of the museum, domestic and foreign companies are registered in the service center.

Early in the morning, the young Indian driver took us to the exhibition site.

Our company’s participation in this exhibition was very popular, and the brochures were basically finished by the intended customers on the third day. For professional questions raised by customers,
we will explain them one by one.
In November, our international sales team went to Germany to participate in the Munich exhibition. The customers who came to consult in Hall 6 had already surrounded us.
A group photo of us and our intended customers
At the end of the exhibition, experience German specialty restaurants with friends. Visited Mirabell Garden, Linz Street, Bishop’s Square,
Salzburg Cathedral, etc. The recognition of Huake by the participating customers this time has brought us a lot and strengthened our
belief in the higher pursuit of products.